Your Story Matters. Let's Make Sure to Share It.
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Things Change. A lot.
Marketing is drastically different now than it was 30 years ago when it brands communicated with their audience through a finite amount of distribution channels like TV commercials, newspapers, mailers. Marketing is drastically different than it was 25 years ago when the internet was working at a snails pace, websites were just getting off the ground, and Google did not have billions of website to index. Marketing is drastically different than it was 20 years ago when MySpace was still thriving and Facebook or a tweet were not even invented yet. Marketing is drastically
You get the point.
Marketing evolves constantly.
Attention Spans are Dwindling.
Think about how invested you are when picking up a good book, turning on a Netflix series, or just listening to your child trying to describe every step they took at school at the dinner table. Those moments in time deliver satisfaction, joy, and keep your interest for more than 7 seconds.
Our attention span is falling because we are so diluted with endless information across all the devices and channels we interact with daily. It’s hard to have a lasting impact on your audience.
Stories Create Emotion
My 2 year old asks me to read the same story, Baby Bear Baby Bear every night before bed (we’re on day 60 of the same routine). He can easily predict what the next page says and read it back to me now. But he asks for it because the simple repetition, colors, and animals bring him joy. I’ve tried to sell in another book we’ve never read, but that conversation always ends in a hard pass. But when he finally broadens his interest – he finds a new world worth exploring. All humans are irrational. You cannot predict what your audience will want tomorrow any better than I can predict if my toddler will cry about his chicken nuggets not being in the right shape.
But no matter the next digital channel that millions flock to, the new automated tool that makes our life easier, or the latest video trend that teenagers replicate – the one consistent thing is that we all want to feel some type of connection to what we interact with.
Let’s build emotion by selling your story
Marketing is more than just giving the details of what you are trying to sell, it’s how you make your audience feel.
Regardless of whether your audience is Gen Z, B2B financial hotshots, or you’re just figuring out who your audience is – remember they are all human and they all grew up listening to stories.
Let’s give them something memorable.